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Old World Cichlids


Old world cichlids make up some of the most colorful fish in the freshwater aquarium hobby.  The term "old world" refers to the discovered lands prior to Christopher Columbus's journey to the Americas.  Old world includes; Africa, Europe, and Asia.  I haven't kept many of the rift lake cichlids but eventually plan to dedicate a number of tanks to raising and breeding mouthbrooders from the lakes.

Multies (Neolamprologus multifasciatus)

Perhaps the smallest cichlid in the world, these fish are so cool.  They live in snail shells at the bottom of Lake Tanganyika in Africa.  I use escargo shells and sea shells in my tank with them.  They are colony breeders and the juviniles are known to care for the fry.  Very cool.  They are small enough for a nano tank as well; as long as you dont keep a large colony.  My tank cracked so gave these to Richard, a fish friend.

Red Zebra Cichlid (Maylandia estherae)

I've kept and bred these for awhile now.  They were my first African rift lake cichlid.  They are mouth brooders and carry the eggs and fry in their mouths.  They will hybridize with most other mbuna so be very careful with keeping them with other fish.

Blood Red Jewel (Hemichromis lafalili)

This fish is another that when I got a handful of young ones I was told they would breed like rabbits.  I have yet to experience that but have seen eggs on a few occasions.  I've read they are extremely territorial and aggressive when spawning but I have not experienced this.  If I don't get fry by October I will move them to a different tank and give it another go.  These were moved to a 70g planted tank in hopes that the change in chemistry may induce spawning.  A pair has formed and I have seen eggs many time.  I have not pulled the eggs but have not seen any fry.

Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)

Kribs are a beautiful fish from the rivers and streams of western Africa.  They will breed in a community aquarium and are not too aggresive as far as cichlids go.  Males are much larger than females.  I have two pairs and they constantly breed.  I siphon roughly 10 fry each spawn and raise them in a 5g on baby brine shrimp.  The remainder of the fry the parents raise up in the tank.  Great fish for beginners in my opinion.

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